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In business, we are familiar with the words ‘know’, ‘like’ and ‘trust’, so how does Google trust your website?  Seeing as it’s a cold, emotionless (if you don’t include Artificial Intelligence) robot.

There are a great many items to consider but here are 3 you can get stuck into immediately to raise your profile and please the ‘Google Gods’.

3 Things That Help Google To Trust Your Website

  • Trusted pages
  • Fresh content
  • A secure site

Let’s take a look at each one briefly

Pages that Google trusts on your website

Spammers and ‘get rich schemes’ owners tend to buy domains and add website content in a slap happy way. They churn and burn as quick as they can. One indication that your site is serious, genuine and you are in business for the long term is the number of ‘trusted pages’ you have.

Trusted pages include About Us, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and your Contact page.

Ensure these pages are correctly populated and that your Name, Address and Telephone number appear on all of them in a consistent manner. Google has something called TrustRank which is part of its algorithm, so it is important to follow the standard conventions when adding content to your Privacy Policy and Terms of Use etc.

Fresh content

Poor websites or sites that don’t add much value to the end user tend not to get updated very often. An uninterested business owner or spammer won’t be keen to keep it up to date by ensuring the content is fresh and valuable for its intended audience. And Google knows this. That is why it is important to ensure at the very least, your blog or news page is regularly updated. Your home page is also a good candidate to keep the content fresh.

If you are writing blog posts and distributing them ensure you aim for approximately 1,000 words or more. Content that is less than 300 words is deemed not to be valuable content (from Google’s point of view). This is because some time ago spammers understood that blog posts were very valuable in getting better search engine rankings. This caused a tidal wave of poor quality blog posts of just a few hundred words. Google has clamped down on this now.  To see examples of success from our clients, click here.

Security certificate

Poor websites or spammers won’t want to spend money on a security certificate. A security certificate helps Google validate and secure the content of your website for the public. It is denoted by a green padlock and shows ‘https://’ instead of ‘http://’ in the browser. The ‘s’ signifies secure.

There are three categories of certificate you can purchase and at Fresh Digital Media we purchase, install and configure these regularly for our clients, so be sure to check which is the most appropriate for your business, in order for Google to trust your website.

For more on security certificates, check out Hubspot here.

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